Thursday, September 17, 2009

rogavigyan pathology

Concept of pathogenesis
ayurveda is more concerned about digestion and accumulation of wastes. the digestive system is considered the key to good health. it is called jatharagni meaning digestive fire. the state of agni determines howwell food is assimilated into the body. According to Ayurveda if Agni is weak if too much food is consumed or if food is eaten at an inappropriate time it cannot be digested adequately. As a result undigested food changes into toxic residuce known as Ama. The waste Ama circulates around the body and ultimately creates disease. The basic tissues which maintain the body are known as dhatus. decrease or increase quality and quantity of each dhatu and its imbalanced functioning is another important factor to cause disease Malas are the waste materials produced as a result of various metabolic activities in the body. The main mala are urine faces and sweat. proper elimination of mala is equally important for good health. Accumulation of mala causes blockages in the body which result in manifestation of various diseases.

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